What do you get when National Macaroni
and Cheese Day falls in the middle of National
Ice Cream Month? Kraft collaborates with Van
Leeuwen Ice Cream to serve macaroni and
cheese flavored ice cream; Kraft says demand
for the frozen treat overwhelmed website, and
scoop shops scooped and sold thousands per hour.
anagrams to
Oh Man! Agony, hot farts and demented self-worth.
I am a Fanny. I like to Fart and Poop. Damn nice.
Ace Farts. Butt-crack Belch.
A decadent, worn out anal hellhole. Sordid sainthood.
Ace Farts. Shit!
Asshole! Warm, nice or mere Evil one.
Ace Farts. Weed.
Malevolent, worthy, odd zero.
Ace Farts. Weed.
I am a Ponderous screech-up, seven. Havoc.