Sunday, October 3, 2021

Slick F@rTs

California Fish and Wildlife, Coast Guard: SoCal oil spill.
After Hurricane Ida trashed oil drilling infrastructure 
off the Gulf Coast, now a major oil spill five miles off 
the California coast has officials closing beaches; 
they started to find dead birds and dead fish washing 
up on shore. A fourteen square-mile slick is pushing 
oil onto both Huntington Beach and Orange County coast.

     anagrams to 

   Thought and Farts halo: Farts is Farts and Farts is Farts. Oomph!

   Ciao! I am a dire, fish-face cow hand - a dire, foolish pig-Farts dildo.  

   Is nice, huge, nubile Aulic council in Evil Farts Hellhole?

   Mellow Fart juice. Hoi polloi Ass-goon Farts.

   Ouch! Clean unpublished Farts indecision.

   Giddy dead-end illogical death wish. Incontinent boob Farts.

   Loquacious Farts - keen, innocent gargoyle Farts.