Is it safer to transport a flying rhinoceros
upside down? What’s the best method of
Cockroach Control on Submarines? Ever
wondered if sexual orgasms can be as
effective as decongestant medicines, or
whether ambient movie theater audience
smells can help describe the film?
Time for the Ig Nobel Prizes.
anagrams to
Onerosity or ethical poisoning Farts!
Oh Wow! Detested behind thumps Farts!
Honorable, succinct moron croaks Farts!
Meddlesome sureness blows, Farts excel!
Peeved demon, choice Farts, inelegancies.
White-hot butt Farts, needier vehemence.
Farts Hero demobilizing emetic belcher: “I am a Vagina Fart! - Penis!”
Farts !!!