World’s fastest-accelerating roller coaster is shut down
following reports of fractured back bones; The Fuji-Q Highland
amusement park said four customers had broken bones
on the "Do-Dodonpa" - a ride which goes from zero to a
hundred-twelve miles per hour in just one-point-five seconds.
anagrams to
Electrical, toneless Fart warlord
Shack up, so queer woman-hater. Oomph!
Fuck Shit Farts jeers ill-boding bowel.
Dongs Cunt Farted odorous cheek snobbism.
Dried-up, hot Farts. Hoorah!
Adore, now daze on genocide.
I'm the shrewd, plunderous juvenile. Nonsense! Poetic void.
Farts Farting Farts