Portland police officers will
no longer make certain traffic
stops, must follow new consent
search guidelines
anagrams to
Well Fart! Poison Farts!
Keen cosmic Farting loner.
Clowns domicile. Fart now pollutes.
Succeed in penile Hog Farts.
Portland police officers will
no longer make certain traffic
stops, must follow new consent
search guidelines
anagrams to
Well Fart! Poison Farts!
Keen cosmic Farting loner.
Clowns domicile. Fart now pollutes.
Succeed in penile Hog Farts.
Newsmax Guest Goes There:
Says Critical Race Theory
Will Lead to Nazi-Style Death
Camps for White People
anagrams to
'Coarsely racier chastity.'
Sweet Grangemouth Farts sex!
Satanize well, odd lethality.
Wimp people Echoes.
Covid cases surge in Cornwall
in aftermath of 'super-spreader'
Canada, France, Germany, Italy,
Japan, the United Kingdom and
the United States summit nearby.
anagrams to
Scoundrel Scowling Avarice
I'm a huge, open-minded
Fart porker.
I Am An angry, clean
Ass Farts decay.
Kind judgement and hot Ass pain.
The Smutty brute Farts. In dementia.
Mouse plague forces Australian
prison to evacuate staff and inmates
anagrams to
Eulogise Anal mucous ape Farts.
'And nice amputees! (Farts Ovation)'
Britain's Pacific trade ambitions
won't compensate for Brexit
anagrams to
I'm an idiotic, crabbiest pain.
Farts brown Farts except emotion.
Tasmanian Devils wipe out thousands of penguins on tiny Australian island Marsupials introduced to Maria Island, east of Tasmania, to safeguard their numbers but have decimated birdlife.
anagrams to
I Am A Cunt! Cunt Farts! I’m A
Wondrous Farts-demeaned, adept
I Am An Insinuatingly poison nude.
I Am A Sordid pluralist. Anal!!!
Nauseated or good Farts fetishes?
I Am A Shittiest Blubberhead.
Iowa cop shooter is caught
after help from TV news crew,
police say.
anagrams to
Cow Farts. Heroic utopias. Hog Farts.
'Worm! Cheapest, weevilly ponce.'
California high school basketball
championship ends in fury after
tortillas thrown at opponents from
mostly Hispanic High School
anagrams to
'Hoorah! Chilling fiasco.'
'Bleak blast.'
'If happy innuendo smirches.'
Transport hollow omnipotent Farts.
'High-school, posh Farts militancy.'
Sperm Evolution Becomes
Supercharged Only When
They Swim Inside Females
anagrams to
'Embosom purest violence!'
'Roughly enhanced Farts spew.'
...Nihilism seem Weedy.
Not enough people went to see Funny
Farm, one of Chevy Chase’s best comedies
anagrams to
Whoopee! Ungentle poets Ass tone.
By vehemence of Farts,
seem chic.
Funny... 'Doo.'