Wednesday, January 8, 2020

F@RT # 89 - flatulate, fart, pass gas

"He that lives upon Hope, dies farting.
       — Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard, 


F@RT # 95 - BOOF

Small rockets land near Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone

 anagrams to

I Gnashed A Balderdash. Dang, Dang...
 I Love An Anal Fart Frenzy!



F@RT #92 - Draft. Huh. Get it? Draft.

'The worst briefing I've had': Senate Iran briefing gets heated

 anagrams to

Thunder Fart Hive Wig Farts: "Bribe? Bite It, Yo! I Tee Greed, Shenanigans!"

F@RT # 90 - the Fart of war.

Did Trump and Iran Just Bury the Hatchet, or the Future?

 anagrams to

 "Darn Yup, Jib."  "Um, Urine, Don."
"Fart?" "The The The Uh Cat Turds."

F@RT # 89 - the Death of Democracy is Dumb


Does filling out the FAFSA college aid form mean you'll get drafted?

anagrams to

Foul Asshole, Farting "Mee! Mee!" Fart. Anal Flute. Dodge City Golf Dildo.

F@RT # 88 A Fart Attack

A president who writes off half the country can’t expect to garner support from a crisis of his own making.

   anagrams to

A Cunt Farts. "Atrocious Farting Mr
Pence-Penis." Fart Frothed. We Howl.
 "Shit. I'm Reckoning Proxy Farts."

F@RT # 87 - Waves of Gas

Mysterious 'Wave' of Star-Forming Gas May Be the Largest Structure in the Galaxy

 anagrams to

Farts. Gruesomest Ass. Breathe Fart Gale. Earthlings Came. Yogi I Yum Wry Tux Tv.

F@RT #91 - Govern Mental Fart

  1. US Army warns about fake text messages about military draft

  2.    anagrams to

  3. Fart Sunbeams! Tweak, Tau Oryx.
  4. Masturbate Daily. Egoism Farts.
