Biting into the flamin' hot origin
story of Frito Lay’s snack food
phenomenon Flamin' Hot Cheetos
anagrams to
Farts might not inhibit loonie.
O My! Kindly fool, Farting on fiasco!
Oomph! Hence, Honest Fart notes.
Biting into the flamin' hot origin
story of Frito Lay’s snack food
phenomenon Flamin' Hot Cheetos
anagrams to
Farts might not inhibit loonie.
O My! Kindly fool, Farting on fiasco!
Oomph! Hence, Honest Fart notes.
Police seize enough opioids
'to wipe out San Francisco's
population four times over'
amid California drug surge
anagrams to
Zoo spews delicious Farts!
I'm evil; a loony, Farting porcupine.
O Dear Me! Incautious, Huge, Poison cloudier pig Farts
A New Species of Bizarre, Extinct Lizard So Strange It Was At First Misidentified as a Hummingbird-Sized Dinosaur
anagrams to
I Am Penile Shit.
I'm wittiest Sex-crazed idiot.
I Am As Weird As
Un-Odored Bug Farts!
Snazzier bind 'n' cringe Ass Farts.
‘I felt paranoia after I used the hallucinogen’: Air Force Uncovered LSD Use at F.E. Warren Air Force Base Among Airmen Entrusted With
Guarding Nuclear Missiles
anagrams to
I Am An ethical loonie screecher.
Urine, Urine - weirdest lemonade.
Urinate! We Mooch
Sludgier Anus Farted Farts.
Sinful vagabondage.
I Fart Superangelic Farts.
An Ohio man crashed his car
into a pole after a cicada flew
in his face while he was driving
anagrams to
Ho Ho! I am a hinder. Cow Farts.
Ha Ha! Wipe Ass again,
evil weirdo!
I Enhanced Fecal Fart Clinics.