Haiti pleads with US to send in troops
amid fears 'urban terrorists' are planning
to attack critical infrastructure: airport,
gas reserves and port - as terrified public
stockpile goods, gunfire erupts in the
streets, the White House is drafting in
senior officials from the FBI, sending
vaccines and cash for law enforcement
anagrams to
Cock it up, Weird Penis! Anus Farts.
'I am an arrogant Shit blunderer.'
Blunderers irritate droopier creep Shit-twit.
Righteous nepotist deplores Fart Toots.
White-hot, Ultra-Narcotic Fart refreshments.
Baffling, spindlier Fucking Asshole idiocies.
Inch advances of crass Ass Farts.
Refined Penis. Cute Vagina, Farting emotions.