Monday, February 6, 2017

F@RT #25

"The ‘best fortnight in a decade’ for conservatives? Uh-oh."
anagrams to
'Besotted, indecent, high, fart hero's envious fart havoc.'

"The first two weeks of the Trump administration have been the most abso-friggin-lutely frightening of the modern presidency." - Michael Gerson, Washington Post opinion writer, Feb. 6, 2017

"Art of the Drug Deal? Seized Heroin Bore Trump's Image" - (ABC News)
  anagrams to

'Premier bigot, headed under, farts zealous, hot, grime.'

F@RT 24

Trump’s rallying cry: Fear itself
anagrams to
 Lefty Farts Grill Mr Pricey Anus
anagrams to
'Farts frugally, princely merits'
anagrams to
' Farts snarl grumpily, electrify.'
anagrams to
' Pert filly girl anus farts. Mercy!'