Tuesday, February 28, 2017

F@RT #49

"Trump, Archenemy of Truth"
 anagrams to
"Um, fart?" - Thy coherent rump.

'Ouch! Nymph fart mutterer.'
 anagrams to
'Hurry Up! The fart comment.'
anagrams to
Pence Fart Rhythm Tumour
anagrams to
Chump Reentry Mouth Fart
anagrams to
Punch Ohmmeter Fart Yurt
anagrams to
 Oh Fart Thence Tummy Purr
anagrams to
Cheer Moth Fart Ump Runty
anagrams to
Fart Etcher Mr Mouthy Pun
anagrams to
Horny Mum. Pert Fart Chute

F@RT #48

"Trump to pledge ‘renewal of American spirit’ in first address"

 anagrams to

'I am a farts poet. New rumps render farts Presiding cell idiot!'

F@RT #47

"How Donald Trump Is Making Witches and Christians Fight Again" (Rolling Stone)
   anagrams to
'I am a pig shit nitwit clown. Uncharming, odd, honking ass-head farts.'