Monday, March 2, 2020

Stop Touching Your Face!

The phrase 

"Stop touching your face."
anagrams to
'Choice, young fart spout.'

...and also to

Yes. I Fart Goo, Cunt Pouch!
Nice Fart Gust, You Pooch.
 Chug Penis, You Fart Coot!
Poo Fart Shit. Cue Coy Gnu!
I Go "Yup. Choose Cunt Fart."
"Nice Fart." (Ouch! Got Soupy).
I Fart Goopy Couch Tunes.
Poet Sung 'Icy Fart Coo Uh!'
 Choicer, Gutty Anus Poof.
Out-Fart Occupying Hoes

Fart Gooey, Chic Nut Soup!

...and if you change 'face' to 'faces'

'I of Rough-cut Ass Potency...'

Yes. That's a dozen, anyway.