Friday, January 3, 2020

F@RT #77 - Hypothetical Ween

What if this weren't a hypothetical question?

 anagrams to

Shit A Shit. Fart. Quiet Now.
Yep. I Leech Whatnot.


Fart #76 - ...what if this were a hypothetical question?

The warped lives of blameless children
 anagrams to
I Am Screwed, Elvis! Hell - Hep Blondes Fart

Fart # 75 - praxis as thesis cum farto

"The axis of any evil is America, the motto of religion and the Koran is death to America," they said.

 anagrams to

Vixenishly, Fart Am I, Achromatised Yeti. Meteoroid Halt. Cooties. A Hog
Fart. Sneaked A Inane Fart. Ooh.

Fart # 74 - Gorilla Sales Attack

Road traffic accidents take a toll
 anagrams to
Lick Desiccated Anal Fart, Too. Fart.

Fart # 73 - absolutely bonkers

a rhapsodic excursus on rituals of human-placenta disposal

 anagrams to 

I Fart Ass Urine. Such A Lax Odor Damn! Cheap Ass Cusp Pollution.

Fart # 72 - A rhapsodic excursus on Rhyme and Verses

Human Remains in a Cave Identified as a Bootlegger Who Escaped Jail
  anagrams to
Oh, Doggonedest - I Escaped Jail. Anarchies. 

I Fart Mauve Batman Wienie.

Fart # 71 - cut the cheese – Dutch Oven – fart – float an air biscuit

Newly released Mueller investigation FBI memos 

anagrams to 

Seven Soldierly Gentleman: "Bilious, Me, Em - We - I Fart."

Fart # 71 - warped lives of blameless children

A Ridiculously Optimistic History of the Next Decade
   anagrams to
Idiotically, I Cum, Fart, Piss. Horniest Hoe, Yet Toxic Dude.