Monday, January 13, 2020

F@Rt #119 - ventositatis

Trump administration shifts justification for Iran strike

  anagrams to

 Ouija, Or  ...Indiscretion?

     I Mini Mitt Punk.

Farts. Shits. Farts. Fart.

F@Rt #120 Queefer Madness

Newsom wants to simplify 
California’s marijuana rules: 
‘The devil is always in the details’

   anagrams to

Devilries... A Roe Swam.


Tipsiness. Aw, Fly Mom Won!
  I Yield Jest.

   Fart. Hail Satan.

Gwyneth Paltrow launches a candle that smells like her vagina. Goop's Candle Is Sold Out, and I'm Questioning My Faith in Humanity

anagrams to

 Thing Smell? Shrieking Ungodliness.

 Use As A Dildo?

 A Hint-0-Quim? Yeti Snatch?

    Yum! Llama Fart. Newt Poop.

 A Candlelight Taco Vent - Nth Why?

"Beans, Beans, The Musical Fruit"

The basis of the song (and bean/fart humor in general) is the high amount of oligosaccharides present in beans. Bacteria in the large intestine digest these sugars, producing carbon dioxide and hydrogen. These gases are expelled from the body as flatulence.,_Beans,_the_Musical_Fruit

Beans beans, where for fart thou beans?
Pinto beans, are good for your heart
The more you eat, the more you fart
The more you fart, the better you feel
Pinto beans for every meal!

Beans, beans, good for your heart
The more you eat, the more you fart
The more you fart, the better you feel
So beans, beans for every meal!

Beans, beans, good for the heart
The more you eat, the more you fart
The more you fart, the more you eat
The more you sit on the toilet seat!

Beans, beans, the magical fruit
The more you eat, the more you toot
Down your pants and in your boot.1

Beans, beans, the musical fruit
The more you eat, the more you fart
The more you fart, the better you feel
Then you’re ready for any pick sheeeeet!

Beans, beans, the magical fruit
The more you eat, the more you fart
The more you fart, the better you feel
So why not have beans for every meal! (also: "So eat your beans at every meal!")

Beans, beans, they're good for your heart
The more you eat, the more you fart
The more you fart, the happier/better you feel.
So let's eat beans with every meal!1

Beans, beans, they're good for your heart
The more you eat, the more you fart
The more you fart, the more you eat
The more you sit on the toilet seat!

Beans, beans, they're good for your heart
The more you eat, the more you fart
The more you fart, the better you feel
beans, beans for every meal! (also: "So eat your beans with every meal!" or "So eat them beans at every meal!")

Beans, beans the magical fruit
The more you eat, the more you fart
The more you fart, the better you feel
So eat good beans with every meal!

Beans, beans, they make you fart
The more you fart, the more you poo
The more you poo, the more you do, which makes you wee
The more you wee, the happier you'll be!

Beans, beans the magical fruit
The more you eat, the more you fart
The more you fart, it’ll make you fly
The more you fart, the more you cry
Then you’ll be happier like the other poem said
Then you won’t feel like being dead!

Beans, beans the magical fruit
The more you eat, the more you fart
The more you fart, the better you'll feel
The better you feel, the more fish you reel
The more fish you eat, you eat beans with too.

Fava beans, fava beans
Poop comes out like lava beans
Hot, hot lava
Hot, hot steam
In more pain than I've ever BEAN! (citation needed)

Beans, beans the magical fruit
The more you eat, the more you toot
The more toot, the better you feel
So let's have beans for every meal!

Beans, beans the magical fruit
The more you eat, the more you toot
The more toot, the better you feel
So let's have beans for every meal!

Beans, beans the magical fruit
The more you eat, the more you toot
The more toot, the better you feel
So let's have beans for every meal!

Beans, beans the magical fruit
The more you eat, the more you toot
The more toot, the better you feel
So let's have beans for every meal

Beans, beans the magical fruit
The more you eat, the more you toot
The more toot, the better you feel
So let's have beans for every meal!

Beans, beans the magical fruit
The more you eat, the more you toot
The more toot, the better you feel
So let's have beans for every meal!

F@RT #117 - mi Scuzi

Iran’s only female Olympic medalist has defected over what she called “lies” and “injustice.”

   anagrams to

   I Am Only A Smell,

Lovechild. Tch. Sin Deed. Sin Weed.

Farts Ejaculate. I am Only

Cheese Dip Fart.