"trump" means "fart".
It also means to act the fool, to fabricate, to cheat or to deceive.
This blog is dedicated to the memory of the person who tried to teach me about America and liberty and that farts are not funny. My mother, Nancy, also taught me that you can't win 'em all.
Friday, March 13, 2020
Friday the 13th F@Rt
Don’t Panic’: Fear and Loathing Grip Congress as Coronavirus Spreads
Yo Andrew; My friend underdawg tol tol me to tell you he gottem a job wit that new fedral dept. The Martial Marshals. Yeah its kinda like Sky Marshals, sept they guard The Commander In Chiefs hair during this time of Zombie/Biblical proportions crisis.My friend underdawg sez The Don,(That's what the Boyz get to call POTUS) always sez "As Long as my hairs OK We're OK". What a Wordsmith. When dis Zombie fuss is all over i wont be suprised to see Pulitzer and The Nobel in that young mans future.
Yo Andrew; My friend underdawg tol tol me to tell you he gottem a job wit that new fedral dept. The Martial Marshals. Yeah its kinda like Sky Marshals, sept they guard The Commander In Chiefs hair during this time of Zombie/Biblical proportions crisis.My friend underdawg sez The Don,(That's what the Boyz get to call POTUS) always sez "As Long as my hairs OK We're OK". What a Wordsmith. When dis Zombie fuss is all over i wont be suprised to see Pulitzer and The Nobel in that young mans future.