Saturday, February 1, 2020

"Is that a dick?" No - it's "...the instantly recognizable Flying Drop Kirk."

 ‘Star Trek: Kirk Fu Manual

  A Guide to Starfleet’s Most Feared Martial Art’

   anagrams to

 I Dug Murk Kit. Anal Eureka!
   Fart. Farts. Farts.
   A Moist Otter Aerated Smell


  1. That's a beautiful masterpiece u got there bro

  2. Yo Andrew.That looks like the model for an Airbud.This(This is John by the way. Disregard the underdawg567... Its underdawg234@gmail... I probably haven't be en paying close enough attention, but what is the obsession with things of the anus?
    And what about Gwinith Paltro? I got excited.Thought sumpin exclusive was coming from Andrew
